Message from Chairman

Dear parents and students,

One of the paramount things in education in the context of emerging scenario which is the relevance of what is being taught in education institutions. After all the true test of education is what one learns with in four walls of school and the calls the world today has been dubbed as a “province of knowledge. Everyone is talking about the knowledge explosion. If one is aspects of human endeavor. A throw back to the day of marine Antoinette is, her immortal phrase” if the poor do not have bread, give them cake”. Knowledge today does not only reside in books, cd- rooms or even on the internet, through introspection and through use of senses. No two people make the same identical piece of information, which one can gets from internet, books etc. A person’s knowledge is unique to him. Our system of education has to appreciate the diversity. The assumption that the more information one can cram into one’s head, the more knowledge is acquired, stands no ground today, if we have to become a knowledge driven society, we will have to generate and apply knowledge profusely in a productive manner. There has to be encouragement given to innovation, quality and creativity in education, and the institution has to drastically change from that of “doer” of running the institutes to “being” a facilitator of diversity and innovation. ‘let a hundred flowers bloom: let a hundred school of thought be contented “ offers the best hope for the people for the knowledge management indeed the winners of today will be those who stay ahead and bring about a change. The institutions of future would need much more than mere foresight. They would need to raise performance levels and in the social context identify changes.


Ativeer Singh Yadav​ (Chairman)
Mount Litera Zee School